Wachstum für Mensch und Organisation GmbH
Watzmannstr. 28a
84034 Landshut
Petra Zander, Managing Director
Phone: | +49 871 96 62 94 68 |
Fax: | +49 871 96 62 94 69 |
Mail: | via Kontaktformular |
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Our offer contains links and references to third party content. We do not have any influence on this content. As consequence, we are not liable for any of this third party content. In every single case, the respective provider of the content is responsible and liable. At the time of creating the links, external content was checked about possible infringement, which could not be identified. Permanent control of external content is not appropriate without concrete signs of infringement. In the case of revelation of such infringements, we remove the respective links promptly.
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http://od-tools.com; HRObjective International Co., Ltd.