LCSF Approach

The target-orientated 360° Feedback ist the latest development of the OD-Tool Management Feedback and it actively supports managers and executives in the concrete implementation of test results.

On the one hand, the questionnaire applies the classic evaluation by Likert (method to measure personal preferences according to Rensis Likert). On the other hand, there is an additional section that assesses strengths and weaknesses in order to detmermine amelioration potentials. Once areas for improvement are determined, the system asks the interviewee for solution possibilities regarding these areas for improvement.

This approach accelerates possible solutions by providing valuable advice for the feedback recipient.

In other words: The tool doesn't only tell you what to improve, but also how you can improve it.

This is how it works:

First, questions are being answered according to the Likert-Scale.

Then the strengths as well as the improvement areas are to be selected from the statements valued lowest and highly.


In the end the system asks for solution proposals covered on the improvement potentials.